How To Self Heal

How to Self-Heal a Problem Body Part: Instant-Energy Healing Demonstration

Video: How to Self-Heal a Problem Body Part: Instant-Energy Healing FREE DEMONSTRATION.

In the video above, you’ll learn how to self-heal a problem body part, using easy instant-energy self-healing techniques by Now Healing & Elma Mayer. Plus, discover a powerful take-away you can use anytime, to heal yourself. Recorded live in 2019 on Facebook, but the healing energies are always active… Now!

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  1. My ‘problem part’ was toe pain from pseudogout. After, my toe is happy and my whole body feels alive, awake, aware. Brilliant. Thank you.

  2. Complete serenity, mental clarity, emotional stability, everything is clear again, focused on brain

  3. Body structure -back, hips, legs.

  4. Fabulous .. I feel warm and relaxed 💕

  5. Si, me senti fluir en la plenitud. Por un momento me olvide del problema y me uni a la plenitud del universo. Espero que con los minutos, horas o dias siguientes siga viendo resultados.

  6. Hi long time with you

  7. More centered

  8. Right knee (arthritis)

  9. My neck felt more flexible and loose.

  10. Pain in my neck lowered from 8 to 3

  11. Worked great! Pain has greatly lessened in my right hip and I feel more refreshed and happy to not be focusing on the pain! Going for wholeness was easier than I thought!

  12. Elma I Love your work, I use it every day. !!!

  13. Hair, noticed more peace and ease and… Wholeness.

  14. Thanks Elma

  15. Abdomen, feels so much better now

  16. I felt warmth along my back and tingling

  17. I feel “expanded”

  18. Thanks Elma

  19. I started with thoughts about my eyes – but post doing the exercise, i was not even able to go back to that thought. Feel peaceful and calm

  20. I’m new to Now healing and trying it for about 3days. Today was the WOW moment for me. I’m feeling expansive, definately feeling vibrations within and sensing shifts

  21. Thank you so much!!! I feel more calm, somehow “blessed”. Experiencing this wholeness feels very warm and secure in my body. I love your reminders to connect with wholeness!

  22. Could notice a difference in pain level when focused away from the problem.

  23. Thank YOU Namaste You are a gift to the world Stay Blessed

  24. pain reduced by 50%, Became more calm and centered.
    Thank you for the reminder to do this everyday.

  25. Thank you so much Elma God bless you .
    I choose weight issue area thighs inability to shed excess 3 kg and causes me stress depression .
    I sensed warmth in upper spine and huge expansion as I utilised this . Thanks so much
    Love and abundant blessings to you much gratitude ❤️

  26. Hello Elma- good to see you. Heart

  27. blood pressure

  28. Thank you Elma! Your re-Minder to allow all pervasive wholeness in really helped!
    Feeling a sense of calm and grace. My knee is taking it’s time letting it in but I will continue to encourage it with divine wholeness!

  29. Ankles
    Watching te-play

  30. weakness and pain in hands, especially right index finger (also left middle finger)
    What has already changed? wide peace and calm, hands are tingly (that might have been true before, but more awareness of it now). No pain while resting in Wholeness; little pain pulses as video neared the end. Focus (or whatever the “accurate” verb is) again into Wholeness and pain-free/-diminished warmth settles in again.
    Thank you, Elma. Looking forward to healing blast of wholeness!

  31. low energy

  32. Stomach. Felt shoulders, neck and hip relax and release.

  33. I have a broken rib and the pain was very strong, after watching the video I repeated the realigning the center and watching at some pictures once bought from a program from you… it is amazing how there is no more this concentrated pain. I can so much easier bend and breathe with ease. Thank you! Amazing work you’re doing. And the shift is also I’m not so much stressed about it… peace, calm, groundedness after the video.

  34. Left hip

  35. my throat

  36. Hart pain

  37. Throat a bit better

  38. I notice expanded tranquility, flow, and calm… total self well-being. I enjoyed the experience. Thank you!

  39. Right leg

  40. Healing #Flexibility with Healing #2 for Hyperbolic stretching.

  41. Upset stomach felt better than it was

  42. Peaceful and expanded. So powerful, like always. Thank you Elma!

  43. Thank You Elma I felt more relaxed and during the healing I felt more expansive and connected to wholeness like I was not just contained in my body

  44. Thank you for the free healing sample! I would appriciate healing for my digestion.

  45. Pain relief and reduced swelling in sprained right ankle

  46. Whole body/overall

  47. Felling much Lighter 🙂

  48. Watched on YouTube, the area I focused on immediately felt better & more relaxed, thank you.

  49. Stress and anxiety about the
    “Problem body part” reduced !
    Calmness and re-connection
    To the life force beyond my “local self”. More neutral about the “problem body part”.
    Thank you, Elma !

  50. More centred.

  51. Feel lengthened.

  52. My body felt more at peace. It literally felt aligned. My mental stress eased and my body felt comfortable. It was amazing

  53. My body felt more relaxed. I literally felt like my body had building blocks that fell into place as I did the healing. Extreme calm and ease. It was amazing

  54. Feel something happening in my shoulders which hopefully will spread to my right eye which is troublesome. Many thanks!

  55. Sorry, no change at all. Very disappointing. Is it just me?

  56. The pain in my upper back dropped from a 9 to a 7, more peace of mind, Merci!

  57. I feel a connection with everything, a timeless state of peace, quiet joy! Beautiful!

  58. problem: itching on feet

    comment on healing demo– spontaneous blowing air out of mouth; tired; hungry

  59. Sore very head back shoulders head headaches migraines back whole back

  60. Hugely helpful thank you simple way to help problems so easy to share thank you for so kindly allowing to share with myself and family and friends Elma

  61. Had my scalp for hair growth and narrowed arteries in mind before watching .During the shifts felt myself swimming in space

  62. Helped diminish some discomfort in my hip.

  63. When focused on the Center, it feels unstable, weak, shaking, knotted, tight, sad. 2 very affected body parts are root chakra and the whole right leg ( including the whole foot)- no changes in these areas. Thank you.

  64. Feeling at peace and hopeful

    Whole ness

  65. “Problem area”: Lower back.
    No great change after healing, apart from a general shift of consciousness forward in my body; lower back feelings remained much the same.

  66. I used it for a very un-conventional 🙂 healing, actually clearing and removing the annoying wrinkles on my neck that started to show up in recent years. Well, after I applied the instant wholeness healing, I felt at least emotionally more confident that the wrinkles are less annoying and gonna disappear in time

  67. Back pain was a 7. After the Now Healing the pain went down to a 3. Awhile later my back felt even better. Thank you Elma

  68. Every thing has shifted
    I’m very calm and soft

  69. I love every thing you send you are brilliant ALMA

  70. My whole body feels calm. My liver feels lighter and more alive. Overall, my whole body feels good. Thank you Elma!

  71. My mind was less judging of my body part

  72. Worked great! Thankyou. Lower back pain greatly diminished through wholeness 🙏

  73. Both shoulders were in pain down the upper arms. After connecting with wholeness if I don’t move the arms, the pain released completely.

  74. no energy – very tired

  75. Relaxing and Smiling

  76. I felt lighter and as if a weight had been taken off of me. I felt I could breathe easier and a senwe of calmness. I was not anxious I felt everything was good and working on my favor.

  77. Upper belly..intestines

  78. My injured left arm feels less tense and painful.

  79. The Best! It cleared things and revealed instantly!

  80. Problem area mouth. I felt calm and lighter after healing, mouth felt less painful and less dry. Thank you Elma

  81. Right Knee injury lingering pain from paddle boarding accident.

  82. Right shoulder tendon
    Left shoulder hotspot

  83. I feel so much calmer. Less tense. Expanded awareness. Overall feeling of soft subtle delight. Thank you

  84. More expanded,softer less stuck..Thank you!

  85. Tight and sensitive feet.

  86. Pain and sensitity have disappeared.

  87. Problem part: neck/head zone. After video: pain & thoughts shifting/lightening. Worries lessening, ears popping, head/mouth pains lifting, neck relaxing. Generally feeling “centered “. Thanks

  88. noticed 2 deep sighs and quieting of scrambled sensation in brain

  89. Thanks Elma, after my request yesterday I felt an energy and a tightening in my pelvic area. My arms are slightly less painful today. Thank you very much.

  90. Hi Elma, i felt some energy move in my body

  91. Left hand side torso. After I felt bigger, calmer, more at one with everything!

  92. I asked for healing for my pelvic floor

  93. After focussing on Wholeness I began to feel ‘normal’ in my pelvic area. Thank you for this reminder Elma! xx

  94. Chest resonaiting, deep breathing. Thank you 🙂

  95. I felt the wholeness,peace

  96. My left side feels much lighter and more whole. I am healing!

  97. I felt better all over and this increased after a sleep,my ankle I was working on felt a little better straight away and has continued to improve .many thanks ,I love your work and what you do for us all.Blessings

  98. Lower body

  99. I feel so much lighter. My “issue” went from a 8 to a 3. Loving the feeling of being connected to Wholeness! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

  100. My shoulder feels much better and I will repeat it.

  101. I feel peaceful and connected.

  102. I was working on extra inches around the stomach not budging quickly. I feel relaxed and lighter at the end of the video.

  103. After listening, I became aware of energy patterns for different topics. Disentangle from each individual…reconnect to wholeness. I will do this daily for multiple issues, seeing if things change instead of grouping together. Looking forward to a fantastic outcome!

  104. I felt this moment of intense anxiety come up, followed by my teeth hurting (which I know from past experience is something really deep shifting which is touching many meridians) and then I started snookering and sniffing (a release and let go). Thank-you.

  105. Migraine – I feel lighter. And the feeling of zooming out. Thank you.

  106. Thank you! A stinging pain in my lower left abdomen recently resurfaced. After the wholeness healing, I noticed I felt calm and at ease. I didn’t feel the need to try to fix it or control what’s happening. The pain has substantially subsided. I noticed there is still an issue without any major discomfort. I feel OK with allowing it to heal. Very cool! I appreciate you so much. Thank you.

  107. i noticed my connection to the web of life and a lightness that i can help shift my energy problems, more energy and more hope

  108. Relaxation increases. Warm feeling

  109. “Spine”

    I felt less bothered about it

  110. feeling lighter and more peace

  111. I worked on my nack. It felt like the little bit of shame went away.

  112. Many thanks for all you do still feeling very centered

  113. OMG! I’ve been in physical therapy for pain in my right shoulder and now it’s gone! How is that even possible? Thank you, Elma!

  114. Alma .I woke this morning feeling no pain a calm mind also empty of troubles
    You are fabulous ⭐️ I felt like the sea had washed me and cleared me ⭐️✨

  115. Diaphragm – easier breath now. Thank you.

  116. listened to this again and things shifted again woe!

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How to Self-Heal with Now Healing & Elma Mayer

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