How To Self Heal

Contact Us

Questions? We have answers! See below...

More questions? Comments? Just want to say hello? Please use the contact form below.

For questions & comments about self-healing...

... or for questions about how to do a technique, how instant-energy healing works, how this modality compares to others like Reiki or EFT, what a term means, your experiences as you did the Activations on this site, etc...

  • Read the FAQ section of the Home Page

  • Browse our Videos & Articles – and try to post your questions in the Comments area at the bottom of posts. Then other people can benefit from your questions, comments, and Elma's reply. If you're shy to post a public comment, you can always use a nickname!

For healing requests or prayer requests:

  • Please Help Yourself to the Self-Healing Activations! That's where your healing requests have been pre-answered – and that's why Elma is providing you with these free healings – to empower you to help yourself. We also have lots of free healing on our other website, If you need deeper work, please try Heal your Situation, over on our other website – because it's our most comprehensive program for deep healing.

For anything else, please contact us below!

Contact Form

Please use this form to get in touch:

We will reply via email, by the next business day.

Call us luddites, but don't call us, haha!

Email is the way to get in touch with us!

We do not provide phone support, text messaging, or direct messaging through social media. (If you do contact us through direct messaging on Facebook, we apologize in advance if we don't reply right away!)

Contact Information

To contact us: please use the form above, or email us at

Mailing address: Now Healing, PO Box 39486, Los Angeles CA 90039 USA

Get In Touch

How to Self-Heal with Now Healing & Elma Mayer

Copyright © 2023 How To Self Heal - All Rights Reserved